Eephus Pitch

The Decent Boys - Eephus Pitch album cover front The Decent Boys - Eephus Pitch album cover back Eephus pitch
Self-Released 2005
1. -
2. Jane Victory
3. -
4. Poor Things
5. -
6. Square Zero
7. -
8. Scarlett Johansson
9. -
10. Pick Up The Pieces
11. -
12. Charm School
13. -

The Decent Boys are:

Christopher Cornelius Decent
Esteban de la Decent
Lucifer Z. Von Decent
Li'l Virgilio Decent


Majik Brown - Aura Manipulation & Astral Projections
Matt "Venus" Williams - Cello
Decent Valley Congregational Choir for Wayward Women - "Backs" on 6

Album Art

coming soon